An industry trendwatcher in the food industry has noted the rise in spicy and savory food items in the US. Thats good news for spicy food lovers (like me) but even I am not sure I am ready for a spicy chili pepper laden yogurt, with a blend of chocolate and strawberry flavors mingled in to boot! :)As we age, our senses of smell and taste can start to diminish and this is being translated into consumers demanding hotter, spicier and bolder flavors, says Datamonitor. This is already been measured in the market place with increased sales of hot and spicy salsas. Indeed, Datamonitor's Productscan Online notes a doubling of the word "spicy" for new foods and beverages between 2003 and 2006.
A couple months back, Datamonitor had reported that "unusual juices from vegetables" like cabbage are the new trend. I always knew I was not a trend setter and definitely take my time to get onto the bandwagon - no IPOD yet, no flat screen TV yet... the list could go on.
"Look for bold flavors to pop up in brand new areas," states Datamonitor. "It's already happening in Portugal where Adagio Moments Yogurt Drink was launched in a spicy flavor earlier this year with a blend of chocolate chips, strawberries and chili peppers."
You do tend to turn into your parents as you age
2 hours ago
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