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You just have to wait

on Tuesday, April 28, 2009 with 0 comments » |

In my previous post, I wrote about a Paris Review interview with the current US Poet Laureate Kay Ryan. In the same interview, she is asked about her partner of 30 years, Carol and how the two are coping with Carol's cancer.
Here are some excerpts which I found particularly moving.
KR: When I first met Carol, I was so glad to find somebody I could really talk to. There were people who I could drop a stone down and hear it go plunk really fast. But I could drop a stone down Carol and never hear it hit the bottom.

I: How are you two coping with Carol's illnes?
KR: I was just down at the store this morning, and a man was talking on his cell phone and he was saying, It wasn't just a camping trip; it was a survival class. And I was thinking how funny that was, because I'm having a survival class at my house. You don't have to go out and get it. It will come to you. We're all having a suvival class; you just have to wait.
(Emphasis mine.)

Unfortunately, Carol lost her battle with cancer and passed away  in January this year. RIP, Carol Adair. Peace and strength to Kay Ryan as she deals with the loss.

P.S. Loved this line that Kay Ryan says later in another context about living an ordinary life. "I think extravagance in your life takes the energy from possible extravagances in your mind." Even if its just a 1 line post, I think that almost deserves its own post!