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Brevity is the soul of wit

on Thursday, August 7, 2008 with 0 comments » | ,

I believe I had seen the book - The Novel in Three Lines by Felix Feneon - at the library or in some bookstore during my random perusals through new books shelves last year. I should get it... sounds worth a delectable read, providing...

..quick word snapshots of news from the provinces; other people’s (usually) bad news, served on hors d’oeuvre picks. In Fénéon’s hands, early-20th-century France appears as a slide show, flashing scenes both homely and bizarre.
This sounds interesting for the same reasons, I love Postsecrets as well as some of the better done entries at One Sentence or Six Word Memoirs ..... providing interesting insights into life with a poignancy and wit that only brevity can engender. Or like the above reviewer writes:
Are they semaphores of the political and social world of France circa 1906, glimpses of another time, slices of cruel humanity and crueler fate, human folly etched on the head of a pin? They are all those things, and further evidence that the marks we leave are often humbly disguised. Swift as captions, tasty as lyrics — “novels in three lines” just about nails them.
Enough said! (Brevity is not my strong point. Neither is wit.)